Progress on anything challenging typically needs a balance of head and heart perspectives; some emotional intelligence alongside the logic and rationale of the numbers and the processes. Neither on their own will be sufficient.
But where to start? Where to meet the other people involved?
With the head stuff, or the heart stuff?
With professional and business people brought up to “use their heads,” it often seems to make sense to meet them in that left-brain place that is so familiar, and then lead them to an emotional perspective once a level of trust is established.
With other individuals, less conditioned to be “professional”, beginning right from the heart might well work better. Or maybe that’s better in every case.
Does it depend on the context? The same individual in different circumstances might respond differently.
Perhaps the key is to connect with the person, one way or another, starting where they’re most comfortable, and then lead them to the other.
What do you think? Where do you begin—in your head or in your heart? It makes a difference.