We all have power to achieve things or to be a certain way, possibly more than we’re comfortable admitting. As Marianne Williamson said, “it’s not our darkness but our light that most frightens us.”
This is quite a different thing from “power over” other people which might come to us through formal authority. “Power to” comes from our presence and indeed our personal mastery, our sense of purpose and our authenticity, our wisdom.
Abraham Maslow and others would say it’s our “power to” rather than our “power over” that counts in the end.
The more “power to” others perceive us to have, the more we will be able to help them. They will believe in us more than they will believe in the power of the problem they are trying to overcome. Denying our own “power to” and shrinking away from it doesn’t serve the people we might help.
Here’s the thing…
What do you choose?
Do you use your “power to” as a force for good, or do you hide from it a little (or a lot) and diminish what you can do for the world and for yourself.
It’s a choice.
How do you sit comfortably with your own power?
It indeed is difficult to fully understand how others generally perceive us. Ending up as the ‘go-to’ guy, or the person that everyone wants to confide in starts to paint a picture of our ‘power to’, as you describe. That can be a shocking revelation when you come to realize it!
I really enjoy the theme of wisdom you have in your articles. This is quality stuff. And things we cam all learn from.
Thanks Gibson. I like the word “wisdom” too – a useful commodity. Thanks for your interest and support.
David – this is an excellent post… and it truly speaks to me.
My core value proposition is “The Enhancer.” Helping others see what’s possible… about themselves, their work, their life, etc. It is what brings me the most joy… and I’m very comfortable in this role… especially given I’m a CEO.
I’ve never been able to put this ‘state of mind’ into words… you just did it with your ‘power to” post.
Your Devoted Fan,
Ande Lyons
Thank you Ande, for your kind words. Enjoy your “power to”!
This post speaks to something I strive to be everyday. Someone who believes they have the “power to”
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest Fear is that we are powerful beyone measure……………. We ask ourselfves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?
Actually, who are you NOT to be?!
Thank you for your wisdom and I’m excited to share your thoughts with my listeners on “The Ordinary & Extraordinary” on notsosoccermomradio.com
Kim Pirrella, Host
Thanks Kim, and thanks for expanding on Marianne Williamson’s words. Very much looking forward to being on your show.