In fact, it probably is.
We tend to dismiss new input which doesn’t fit with our view of things, simply because it doesn’t feel right. Our unconscious tells us something is “off”. “Intuitively” we know something else to be true.
Or do we?
Could be that the new information which feels counter-intuitive is the very thing we need to pay attention to; the very thing that is showing us our “worldview” needs an update; that the unconscious patterns we’re so used to following need rearranging.
Real growth in our knowledge begins with a little discomfort. The more important the learning, the more likely it will feel ill-fitting at first.
As Lao Tzu wrote in the Tao Te Ching…
“Mystery is the doorway to understanding.”
Be open to the counter-intuitive. It can teach us a lot.
I’ve decided to make available the notes (6 pages) from a talk on leadership I gave recently. These include specific insights into how to get organisations to learn and change and increase their performance. You can get a copy here…
Hi Elijah. Thank you for your comment. I like your angle that universal principles guard us from a stagnant worldview.