I imagine you’ve had this experience…
Someone keeps repeating a behaviour that causes problems for everyone else. “Why do they keep doing that?” we ask ourselves. “Why do they not see that there are going to be consequences? Why don’t they change?”
The answer of course is they don’t know they’re doing the thing, not consciously anyway. They’re not aware it’s a problem.
If they keep repeating something that actually isn’t working very well, chances are they haven’t realised. So they’re actually doing their best. And they might have been like that for a long, long time.
We might need to help them see the issue somehow. And that might be hard going.
But more than that…
What about us?
What are the things we do that cause problems we’re unaware of?
There are bound to be some.
How do we welcome—invite even—the feedback which would help us see?