If we’re not to stand still, or worse, go backwards, we obviously need to keep developing: We need to progress.
That means change.
Now, will our existing contacts welcome that change? Some will, some won’t, presumably. No doubt, most are supportive, and certainly mean to be supportive. But even so, change can be unsettling and they may struggle to accept our changing identity. It might “bring up” issues for them, which they’d rather not face, or disappointments. And their reactions could tend to hold us back.
Brand new contacts, on the other hand, accept us as they first encounter us (or not, as the case may be). There’s no potential loss for them in doing so.
That might mean meeting a steady flow of new people is important to our development, not just because they contribute to that development itself, but also because we have no history with them. We get to start fresh from where we’re now at.
We need the support of our existing contacts: Of course, we do.
Quite likely, we also need some other people who will take us as they find us.
What do you think? Will your contacts support your progression?