It's a trap we might fall into... If we have management responsibility for someone, we probably feel we are expected to make their change and growth happen. But hang on... We know the way human …
Fear is an inhibitor, for the most part—an inhibitor of evolution and innovation. Sure, sometimes a bit of a fright helps us get moving, but if we're too scared to take risks, we can't …
The people are fine…
The people are fine, mostly. It’s the systems and processes that are the problem. Last week my faith was to a degree restored in a large financial institution. That’s after an unnecessarily bruising …
Are you holding process or outcome?
It’s worth being clear... With a group of people engaged in change, is your commitment to a process or to a specific outcome? If you feel you need to achieve a certain outcome, then fair enough, go …
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If you want to be in control…
If you want to be in control, you’ll need to be smart. The more you want to be in the driving seat of the relationship, the harder it’ll be for the other party to bring their thinking, their …
Do we make the same mistakes?
It starts like this... I’m not that happy with the way the meeting is going. Certain things about the way the other person talks or acts, I don’t really like. At least, I don’t feel that I want to …