...it is sometimes necessary to take into account the actions of other people. It was a week of Winston Churchill quotes last week, though not, in fact, this one: "In making plans for war, it is …
How do you tell if you are over-contributing?
It seems our fellow workshop participant thinks what she has to say is more important than the organised speaker's material. It's a smallish group admittedly, but the rest of us are there principally …
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Why help is needed
W. Edwards Deming said "Help must come from outside because a system is not capable of understanding itself." In other words, it can be hard to see the wood for the trees. This is true whether we're …
Personality traits: self-reinforcing?
If we decide, for whatever reason, to be interested in detail rather than the big picture, for example, or possibilities rather than procedures, and we find that that (unconscious) choice works for …
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Standing for balance
Do “they” want to know what you stand for? Do they want you to be on one side or the other? Much easier for them to deal with you that way; clearer too, I suppose. But wrong, if you actually stand …
Not change but coercion
With sufficient power and authority, we can make something different happen. We can get an organisation to produce different results. We can make people comply. But that isn’t really …