It’s you.
It’s you that needs to take action, that is.
Or it might be.
You see…
You might be the one best-placed, even if you feel inadequately prepared.
Sometimes you don’t notice you’re closest. You stand back. You think someone else will take action.
You wonder why no-one is doing anything.
You might look around to see who out there is in the best position to act; who has the power.
Sometimes, in fact…
It’s you.
And we need you to act.
Probably as soon as possible.
It reminds me of the quote that a pioneer kept prominently displayed on her kitchen wall:
Everybody thought that Somebody would do it:
Somebody thought that Anyone could do it;
Anyone thought that Everyone would do it,
So Nobody did it.
She, however, believed that the system was not fit for purpose, and single handedly set about demonstrating how it could be improved.
It was a labour of love.
If you care, you cannot stand idly by, while people who believe that they understand efficiency, create disaster and unintended consequences.
Indeed, yes, Linda Jane. That quote fits very well. Thank you for the comment.