Which is more important: being fluent or being connected with your audience i.e. the other party? Traditionally, we pay a lot of attention to being fluent, even organising many aids to make sure we …
Dangerous questions
Been reading Daniel Kahneman’s excellent and very useful “Thinking, Fast and Slow”... He says: If asked a difficult question we don’t know the answer to, we will normally pick an easier one we do …
We want you to step up (except when we don’t)
Leaders in businesses and organisations often say they want their people to step up and take more initiative. Unfortunately... Some, in the next breath, will say they want certain things done a …
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Taking people along with you
It's remarkable how often this comes up as a theme: the challenge of getting a group of people on board with a course of action. Our natural inclination is often that the hard task in a situation is …
If we let go of the big goal…
It's seem slightly paradoxical, doesn't it? If we put our big goal out of our mind and just focus on getting small things done, it's easier to take those minor steps—to do the mundane. And so we make …