An organisation wonders if it has a particular problem with stress—more than is typical... I ask whether the employees believe management cares about them, really wondering to what degree that is …
Is it a mistake to focus when you don’t know what works?
Focus, focus, focus—the key to having an impact, making progress, gaining traction. But what if you don’t really know what works, or don’t know yet? If you’re doing something new, you’re very …
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The things we don’t like may be the very things we need to learn
Sometimes we react strongly against something someone else says. Or we see other people being surprisingly critical and dismissive of what seems pretty innocuous but useful information. The very …
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What is the opposite of “quiet?”
It's often said that someone is "quiet', meaning that either they aren't saying much in the moment, or don't say much in general. At least, that's what it appears to mean. In the first instance, the …
How do you get someone to listen?
It was an informal meeting in a hotel bar with 4 or 5 people present. I'd been asked to say a bit about this myself. This from someone I'd met only a few hours previously. Nothing very unusual about …
How do you reach the problem person?
It's so often the way, isn't it? Somebody you're in touch with really sees the change you can help them make in their business. The trouble is... The person who most needs to change is someone else …
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