You and your unconscious. How have you been getting along lately? I’m serious. You’re like two people: One being your conscious mind, and the other that person in the background who actually runs …
Brand—a relationship thing?
We tend to think of brands in isolation, as if they exist in their own right, in an absolute sense. We think of a logo perhaps, or a style of packaging, or a particular tagline or …
What do you get when you blend leading and following?
You can only either lead or follow at any given time. So says conventional wisdom. You have to choose: Follow for a while to build connection; then perhaps lead to achieve an outcome. The issue then …
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The person in front of you
We come up with all sorts of elaborate ways to engage with our world, but really whatever you are working on, however big or small, it almost always comes down to this... ...relating effectively to …
Justifying how we were yesterday
It’s an easy trap to fall into. In fact, it’s not so much a trap as the normal course... We act today to justify how we were yesterday. And we do the same tomorrow, and the next day and the next …
Interrupting the patterns—once we notice them
Sometimes it feels like we're actors in a drama, just showing up on stage and saying our lines. We're creatures of habit. We repeat the same patterns over and over, unconsciously for the most …
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